2024 Premium Book
This year we are celebrating our Gazebo and The Perfect Place to Gather.
To find out the details for registering your entries please select the departments below, be sure to read the health standards forms, and select the appropriate entry forms at the bottom of this page. If you have any questions about entering an exhibit, please contact the Main Office at 802-889-5555 or info@tunbridgeworldsfair.com and be sure to put “Entry Question” in the subject line of your email.
Dairy Departments 10 & 11: Superintendent – Jennifer Thygesen, Assistant Superintendent – A. Paige Karabelas
NOTE: Dairy Health Standards have been updated – please review the standards below for NEW HPAI (Avian Influenza) Requirements.
Eggs Department 97
Floral Hall Departments 130, 140, 150, 160, & 200: Superintendent – Anne Linehan, Assistant Superintendent – Theresa FitzGerald and Superintendent for Junior Division – Peg Sherlock
2024 – Floral Hall Junior Division
Garden & Harvest Departments 120, 110, & 100: Superintendent – Eileen Ahern
Horse Department 50: Superintendent – Felicia Dieffenbach, Assistant Superintendent – Mikayla Pick
Maple Departments 180 & 181
Oxen & Steer Departments 20, 21, & 30: Superintendent – Mark Whitney, Assistant Superintendent – Amy Ferris
2024 – Oxen & Steer Health Standards
Poultry & Rabbits Departments 90, 94 & 96: Superintendent – George Button, Jr., Assistant Superintendent – Doug Cummings
2024 – Poultry & Rabbits Health Standards
Pulling – Pony, Horse, Oxen Departments 30 & 40: Superintendent – Lisa Cilley, Assistant Superintendent – Rande Densmore
2024 – Pulling – Pony, Horse, & Oxen
2024 – Pulling Health Standards
Rare Breeds Department 190: Superintendent – Seth Johnson
Sheep & Goats Departments 60 & 70: Superintendent – Ian Devine, Assistant Superintendents – Tiffany Bates & Aine Devine
2024 – Sheep & Goats Health Standards
Swine Departments 80 & 81: Superintendent – Matt Whalen, Assistant Superintendents – Tabor Stride, Michael Whalen & Daryl Benson
Tractor Pulling: Superintendent – Jason Williams, Assistant Superintendent – Allen Williams
General Information for Exhibitors
You should indicate on your entry form that you are camping and pay $125 for your reservation. Your Camper Host is Jane Ackerman and she will assist you in parking your camper. Your superintendent may also be assisting the Camper Host with parking campers. Camping is for exhibitors only and those actively assisting the exhibitor and not for extended family. Restrooms and Showers are available. You should comply with the following camping rules:
1. Only self-contained campers are allowed in the camping area.
2. Parking campers will begin at noon on Sunday and end before dark on Wednesday – you must check-in before you park.
3. No awnings are allowed out. No pop-up canopies allowed.
4. The following are prohibited: dogs, fires, patio lights, no air conditioners.
5. Please keep appliance use to a minimum and unplug when not in use.
During The Fair:
There is absolutely no alcohol on the midway, no glass containers, no fire arms and no pets of any kind allowed.
The Society will not be responsible for any accident or damage that may occur to persons or property while on any road leading from the street to the Fairgrounds. Neither will the Society be responsible for accidents or damage to persons or property which are upon the Society’s grounds. All stock and articles entered for premium must be under the care and control of the owner and at his risk during the Fair.
All premiums are liable to a pro rata reduction, sufficient to meet any deficiency that may occur in the receipts, to meet said premiums and other expenses.
After The Fair:
Remember to pick up your items, ribbons and premiums immediately after 6PM Sunday or on Monday morning from 9-11AM. Exhibits are not saved or stored.
~No ribbons are mailed afterwards due to prohibitive postage, so only premium checks at the latest by October 31, as a courtesy. Make sure your address is complete and up to date on your entry form.
~Premium checks must be cashed by December 31 or else become VOID, and not re-issued.
Entry Forms, Rules & Guidelines:
Garden & Harvest / Floral Hall Entry Form
• Pulling-Horses, Ponies and Oxen will be same day entry at the admissions gate.
• Entry forms for Livestock due August 15 with full payment: Dairy Cattle, Oxen and Steers, Horses, Goats, Sheep, Swine, and Poultry.
· Entry forms for Harvest & Garden, Floral Hall and Junior Division due by September 1 for guaranteed acceptance, and name to be in the exhibitor raffle prize drawings.
All Exhibitors must wear wristbands to have admission without problems. If you have a problem, see your superintendent for help. Be polite at ticket booths and in presence of fair-going public.
All stock and articles entered for premiums must be owned by the person entering the same, otherwise the premiums will be forfeited to the Society.
Stock withdrawn for the night (at the discretion of superintendent) must be returned by 8 A.M. the following morning, or the place will be forfeited, and the stock ruled out for competition. Premiums will not be paid on stock (both open class and junior division) if they are removed from the grounds prior to the close of the fair, except if such removals be by special permit from the Department Superintendent or Secretary.
No payment will be paid for stock of any kind kept or fed off grounds unless accompanied by a written permit from the Superintendent of that department.
All stock and produce must be ready to be judged Thursday, at 9:00 A.M.
All stock, including cattle and horses, will be shown in a show ring, and exhibitors must be on hand to show their stock.
Exhibitors must take prize-winning stock on parade or be subject to forfeit of premium. Exception at the discretion of Department Superintendent.
Horses, oxen, and dairy cattle will be shown in a ring and no person will be allowed in the ring except judges and their helpers and the party attending the animals.
All Exhibitors must furnish own hay. Bedding is provided but limited to 2 bales of shavings.
No person who is an exhibitor can act as a judge in the class in which he exhibits. During the examination by the judges, if any person interferes with them by letter or otherwise, such person will be excluded from competition. When called upon, exhibitors are expected to give a verbal or written statement concerning their contributions.
When there is no competition, the exhibitors may receive such awards as the judges may determine but shall not receive premiums unless stock or articles are meritorious.
When animals or articles are not deemed worthy of a premium, the judges shall in all cases reject them and they will adhere strictly to this rule.
Exhibitors of livestock need to be prepared to show registry and health papers.
In examining stock, reference will be made to symmetry, size and docility, and general characteristics of good breeding which not only exhibits the skills of the breeders but greatly enhances the value of the stock produced on the farm.
See Code of Conduct on entry form.